Doctor Who: 10 One-Off Villains That Need To Return

8. The Eight Legs €“ Planet Of The Spiders (1974)

Doctor Who Eight Legs

Insects have the potential to generate a lot of fear in people. In my first year of university, a spider in the shower would be enough to terrify several of my housemates (so would the Silverfish in the toilet but for different reasons) largely because of spiders being visually unappealing predators but mainly because of the many species of spider around the world that are disturbingly efficient killers. For many, Spiders are terrifying. And the best way to enhance a fear of something is to supersize it. The Eight Legs would be enough to reduce any arachnophobe to incoherent sobs of despair. Because not only are they about a metre long, they also eat the sheep that inhabit their planet and occasionally humans. As well as that, they€™re telepathic and cling to other life forms, controlling their actions and using them to fire blasts of psychic energy while remaining completely invisible. Although the Eight Legs and their queen were destroyed at the climax of Planet Of The Spiders, the timey wimey nature of Doctor Who would surely allow some loophole to bring them back. Because a race of enormous psychic spiders is just too good a concept not to revisit.
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JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.