Doctor Who: 10 Places The Doctor Has Never Visited On-Screen

1. Mondas

Doctor Who Tenth Doctor TARDIS
BBC Studios

Commonly referred to as 'The Tenth Planet', the original home of the Cybermen was Earth's doomed twin-planet Mondas. 1966's serial The Tenth Planet was actually set entirely in Antarctica in 1986 - meaning that Mondas is yet to appear.

Identical to Earth, this planet existed in our solar system but drifted away when Earth's moon was formed, or 'laid' as 2015's Kill the Moon suggested. Life on Mondas existed parallel to life on Earth, but with one small change. The citizens began to upgrade themselves with cybernetic parts in order to survive as the planet drifted further and further away into space.

Fearing the planet's destruction, the Mondasians manage to pilot the planet back into Earth's orbit in an attempt to absorb its energy. However, Mondas absorbed too much - including the First Doctor's regeneration energy - and was destroyed.

Over the years, Cyber-conquests of Earth have been attempts to convert it into 'a New Mondas'. However, Mondas is in actuality only one of many planets where the Cybermen have originated.

The Twelfth Doctor hypothesised in 2017's World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls that sooner or later, on every planet with humans, the Cybermen would rise as the next form of life.

In these episodes, the Doctor found himself on a Mondasian Colony Ship being sent to the planet to save some of its residents from destruction. During its maiden voyage, it had instead become trapped in the path of a black hole and the Cybermen had been born from the injured crew on board.

A key location in the show's history; it's surprising that we're yet to actually see the Doctor travel to this influential planet in an on-screen adventure

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Eden Luke McIntyre is a Scottish writer, editor and script consultant, with an MA in TV Fiction Writing. He writes content for TV, radio, stage, and online, and was appointed as a BBC Writers Room Scottish Voice in early 2020. Eden can usually be found rambling about Doctor Who, The Beatles, and obscure things that no one cares about.