Doctor Who: 10 Places The Doctor Has Never Visited On-Screen

2. The Time Lord Academy

Doctor Who Tenth Doctor TARDIS
BBC Studios

Said to be the place of study for the Doctor, the Master, Romana, the Rani, and all other Time Lords - the infamous Time Lord Academy has only been referenced throughout the show.

Situated on Gallifrey, this educational institute collected children at the age of eight and taught them various subjects such as cosmic science, cybernetics, as well as knowledge of Time Travel. First referenced in 1971's Terror of the Autons, the Academy had once seen the Doctor and the Master as classmates, and best friends.

Assigned a 'chapter' as a way of identifying groups of students, the Doctor was part of the Prydonian Chapter according to 1976's The Deadly Assassin. It was in this adventure that much of Gallifrey was explored, from the architecture of the Time Lord Citadel to its history, politics, and culture.

When sent to collect the Key to Time in 1978's The Ribos Operation, the Fourth Doctor was accompanied by the Time Lady Romana, who had been more successful in the Academy and graduated with a 'Triple First.' Upon scrutiny, the Doctor was revealed to have only passed with a fifty-one per cent.

Other than its status as being the legendary institute for all Time Lord learning, and through its association with the Doctor's history, little is known about the Academy. With flashbacks into the Doctor's timeline becoming more prevalent, perhaps a vision of the Doctor's education may appear in the show.

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Eden Luke McIntyre is a Scottish writer, editor and script consultant, with an MA in TV Fiction Writing. He writes content for TV, radio, stage, and online, and was appointed as a BBC Writers Room Scottish Voice in early 2020. Eden can usually be found rambling about Doctor Who, The Beatles, and obscure things that no one cares about.