Doctor Who: 10 Potential Ways The Eleventh Doctor Could 'Die'

2. The Silence

28r2j5j Imagine....sorry what was I saying? Oh, right. Imagine....sorry, what? Oh! Imagine...Okay, all kidding aside, this is incredibly possible. The Silence never actually went away. There was never a grand final ending scene where they were beaten. The Doctor simply got away from them one time at Lake Silencio. One time. Who says that they can€™t come back again? Nothing, that's what. The Silence were built on an order: to kill the Doctor. They know that they didn€™t succeed, and that with the Tessellecta the Doctor avoided death. But eventually, the Doctor can€™t avoid death. Eventually, he€™s going to have to die. I would personally love it if the Doctor came and regenerated in America. Many significant things in Eleven€™s life happened in Series 6/7 when they were in America. He was supposed to die in Utah, he lost Amy and Rory in New York, He and River probably did it a few times on the Statue of Liberty or the Empire State Building, I mean this country played a massive part in the losses and challenges this Doctor faced. Why not have his demise here too? Now the question just is, where? He can€™t go back to New York, because I think the Ponds fans would just have to kill Moffat if he did. Utah would be ironic, but kind of €˜been there, done that€™. It would be interesting though, if The Doctor brought Clara to the countryside of a state like Colorado, somewhere safe, and they are overcome by an army of The Silence, and instead of being able to explain to Clara what is going on, he€™s attacked by one of the Silence. Depending on Moffat€™s number of regenerations, the Silence could let him live, and when Twelve asks why, the Silence could say €˜there is a greater death for you coming.€™ This would set up for the Valeyard at that Twelve would in fact be the last Doctor. I'm not sure Moffat would want to do that, but imagine how creepy that would be. It would also be a great first scene for Capaldi and Twelve to have to deal with a freaked out Clara. She€™s already going to be upset that Eleven€™s gone, now imagine her dealing with the Doctor regenerating AND a bunch of villains she can€™t remember. Especially if he€™s facing the Silence while he regenerates, so he doesn€™t remember regenerating. He could turn to tell Clara something, realize what€™s happened, and we could have that circle for a few minutes (as long as it stays funny), then have Clara huff and pull him away. It would be a bit sad cause he will have no recollection of regenerating, but maybe no recollection is better than Ten€™s regeneration into Eleven? Either way, I want that no-cursing policy to put to the test, Capaldi.

I'm currently attending my local college while trying to figure out who I am. I love Doctor Who, Sherlock, really any BBC show. I've also been told I'm a bit of a nerd. Specifically, a theatre nerd.