Doctor Who: 10 Potential Ways The Eleventh Doctor Could 'Die'

9. River Kills The Doctor (Again)

River Song

Obviously, the people who raised River have the ability to go back and forth in time. So to add insult to injury, we could bring River back to kill him. Even though she has said that nothing would hurt her worse than killing her Doctor, the people who raised her to be a psychopath obviously don't care about whether or not she€™s married to him. In fact, people have claimed that River isn€™t married to the Doctor, because the time never happened and it was the Teselecta she was marrying anyhow. A younger River who only knows that she previously failed when she thought she had won, is given the coordinates of this Doctor. She finds the Doctor with Clara, and the Doctor, knowing that this is an earlier version of River, tells Clara what he told the three of them. €œWhatever happens. Don€™t interfere.€ River€™s crying, and she shakes her head. €œThey€™re watching.€ Because the Silence will want to make sure that he€™s dead. Eleven stays calm. €œI can€™t keep running. We both knew this would happen.€ This would only upset River more, but she wouldn€™t be able to fight it anymore. She shoots at him, and starts to cry as the regeneration begins. He whispers an €œI€™m sorry.€ And runs into the Tardis, yelling instructions on Clara on how to fly the TARDIS, since he can€™t, and yells she can€™t interfere, no matter what happens. She yells an annoyed I know, I€™ve only saved you from this countless times. And he just says €œShut up, I€™m dying.€ Again, very unlikely this would happen as River's story line is wrapped up. I just always wondered about what happened when they realized she killed the Teselecta. Even with Madame Kovarian dead. You never know...

I'm currently attending my local college while trying to figure out who I am. I love Doctor Who, Sherlock, really any BBC show. I've also been told I'm a bit of a nerd. Specifically, a theatre nerd.