Doctor Who: 10 Predictions For Series 9's Mystery Writer

1. Rob Shearman

Pretty much everything he writes, Doctor Who or not, is fascinating. His lone TV script, Dalek, set the bar at a giddying height and no Dalek story has bested it since. Not many of the ones before it were better, either. He also wrote Frobisher for the audio dramas twice, and has since said that he€™d jump at the chance to write him again. So, what if the Frobisher Capaldi played in Torchwood was the shape-shifting Frobisher disguised as the Doctor? The story (bait) which could get him to return is obvious. Or just get him to write whatever he wants, which would probably be a thousand times better and cause your brain to melt out of your ears. What did you think of this list? Are there any other writers who should return for Series 9? Let us know in the comments section below!

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