Doctor Who: 10 Predictions For Series 9's Mystery Writer

2. Colin Baker

He€™d be a sort-of-returning writer, since he wrote a comic called Age of Chaos starring his Doctor and Frobisher, the shape-shifting film noir penguin. It was weird, but also great. Since he was also a brash Doctor who followed a floppy haired nice one, he€™s in a prime position to write the Twelfth Doctor in an insightful way. His Doctor also got more endearing throughout the course of the audio dramas, so it would be interesting to see how those elements could manifest themselves through Capaldi's character. A Doctor writing a Doctor hasn't been done on TV before, and since Peter Davison has already shown his directing talents in the Five(ish) Doctors, he could direct it. A previous Doctor party would be interesting, if nothing else.

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