Doctor Who: 10 Predictions For Series 9's Mystery Writer

3. Marc Platt

He tried to write for the show since the early Fourth Doctor years, and only succeeded by the final season. However, after that he held on tightly and wrote extensively for the books, then for fan productions when they stopped, then for Big Finish when they stopped, too. He's more than proved himself in terms of loyalty and quality, since Ghost Light is one of the greatest Doctor Who stories and one of his audios, Spare Parts, is one of the best of that medium. He's still writing for Big Finish so he's obviously still willing and available. It would link every medium of the franchise he was bought in for NuWho. His vision of Gallifrey as explored in Lungbarrow was one of the strangest and most interesting, and considering Series 9 focuses on such, he€™d be brilliant fit to write the episode where it returns, and we see how angry the furniture can really be.

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