Doctor Who: 10 Reasons Big Finish Is Better Than The TV Series

8. Emotional Impact

Billie Piper's Rose Tyler being forced to part with David Tennant€™s Tenth Doctor at the end of Series 2 had many people weeping but despite her warning at the start of Army of Ghosts, she didn't actually die, did she? At the end of Series 4 of the Paul McGann audio adventures (Lucie Miller and To The Death), however, they didn't mess about. When Big Finish set out to create an emotional impact they go all out to do just that. Every debt is paid in full and it€™s hard to say why these two episodes are ultimately so affecting, but those who have been following the story since the beginning of Lucie Miller's adventures are bound to find themselves in a gobsmacked silence at the end of her final story. It's the sort of response the TV series has yet to evoke efficiently, although admittedly the Ponds' exit in The Angels Take Manhattan came pretty close. Sheridan Smith, the fans salute you!

R. M. McLean exists somewhere outside of time and space.