Doctor Who: 10 Reasons Last Christmas Is Probably The Best Special Yet

8. It Really Snowed

Well, it was set in the North Pole. It's become somewhat of a running gag in Doctor Who Christmas Specials over the years to feature snow that isn't actually snow. In The Christmas Invasion, for example, planet Earth was covered in a white blanket of spaceship remnants as the Sycorax disintegrated within the atmposhere and in The Runaway Bride the Doctor tried to impress Donna Noble by making it snow using the art of atmospheric excitation. The cold never bothered him anyway. Last Christmas really was a white Christmas, though, and despite the cold it really helped to warm the cockles of our hearts. But hold on... it was all a dream in the end, wasn't it? So the snow wasn't really snow after all! God damn. Thank God it was snowing in the final scene back in the real world to make up for it. A final shot of the TARDIS, in the snow, all lit up like a Christmas tree. What could be better? There was even a tangerine thrown in for good measure, too.
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Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via