Doctor Who: 10 Reasons Peter Capaldi Could Be The Best Doctor Ever

2. He's A Madman In A Box

Peter Madman Yes, that may have been Smith's phrase, but he didn't really give us a full madman role. Capaldi, however, can mimic Tom Baker's mannerisms with the bulging eyes, aged voice, and blank stare that seems to extend for miles. He has a better chance of acting alien compared to a few of his previous incarnations, which is what the show needs. Everyone needs to be reminded that The Doctor is not human. He may share many human qualities, but he's from an alien world that no longer exists. Everything needs to get a bit more alien, befitting the Gallifreyan that travels time and space.

Gamer and a major Whovian who enjoys playing the ocarina and writing about things I love. Also works as a prison guard. Looking to get my name out there in the world.