Doctor Who: 10 Reasons Shona McCullough Should Be A New Companion

6. She Needs To Hang Out With Clara

As the characters started to wake up and return to their respective conscious lives, Shona was seemingly saddened by the fact that they'd never see each other again. They'd been through a lot together, after all. Albeit in a dream world. Thinking on her feet (there's something else she's good at - she's basically got companion written all over her), she suggested that they all swap numbers so they could track each other down in the real world and "hang out" or go for a curry. Hanging out for Shona probably involves beer, pizza and watching E.T the Extra Terrestrial, but who wouldn't be up of that? That's right. No one. As well as being brave and inquisitive, Shona showed that she can be quite persistent, too. She refused to accept the Doctor's suggestion that there was no point in swapping numbers because they probably wouldn't remember them when they woke up anyway. It was still worth a try, right? Perhaps Shona is quite lonely in her real life, too, which is why she was so desperate to stay in touch with her new friends. Suffice to say, she never did get Clara's number so she seemingly has no way of getting back to her. Or does she? As always, only time will tell. She's already proven that she's quite a courageous character and all Doctor Who companions have a touch of the extraordinary about them. As such it's not unlikely she's remembered enough of the dream to track the Doctor and Clara down. Stranger things have happened.
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Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via