Doctor Who: 10 Reasons Shona McCullough Should Be A New Companion

7. Her Great Taste In Movies

Because who doesn't love curling up on the sofa on Christmas Day and watching a film in which an alien bursts out of someone's stomach? It's an alternative to the traditional nativity story, for sure. Shona deserves extra brownie points for her festive viewing list alone, although looking at it she could've just killed two birds with stone and watched Last Christmas instead. All the basic premises are there. She also likes it old school, too (The Thing From Another World, also known simply as The Thing, was released in 1951), so she's definitely partial to a sci-fi flick or too. How would she fair if she were to come to face with with the universe's most formidable adversaries in real life, though? 'Real life' in this scenario being the Doctor Who universe, of course. She'd definitely be a unique TARDIS resident in that sense as someone who's already accustomed to the realms of science fiction fantasy, albeit the fictitious ones - as far as the Whoniverse is concerned, anyway. Saying that, this episode proves that in Doctor Who the lines between what's real and what's not aren't necessarily that blurred. Something tells us she would be just fine.
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Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via