Doctor Who: 10 Reasons We Want The Master To Return

2. To Give Matt Smith€™s Doctor A Great Exit

The Master€™s involvement with different Doctor€™s demises has been noted. He featured in the Tenth Doctor€™s banal final story and killed off The Fourth Doctor in Logopolis. However, there hasn€™t been a story with The Doctor and The Master that lives up to something as iconic as Sherlock Holmes and Professor Moriarty€™s final showdown at the Reichenbach Falls. Surely, if he is so evil he should be able to properly bump The Doctor off once? Okay, as I mentioned before, he killed The Fourth Doctor in Logopolis but is that really the only time we are going to see something like this in 50 years of Who? I hope not. Matt Smith will eventually leave Doctor Who and what a better way to end his era than to have a proper showdown with his arch nemesis? Something of the epic proportions of €œThe Final Problem€, a final fight to the death between the two time lords. It has been planned before, in the 70s, Barry Letts came up with a great idea to end The Master. So why can€™t it be done now? It could be used to give Smith€™s Doctor one of the best exits in the show€™s history.

Will is a writer and actor. He had written articles and done interviews for such well known websites as Dr Who Online, The Cult Den and The Knights Blog. He has also written for magazines like Atomic Comic.