Doctor Who: 10 Similarities Between The Classic And Revived Series

9. Change of Outfits

THE NEW: The Doctor, throughout his years, has always been dressed to the nines. What those nines are, of course, is still unknown. The Time Lord has always dressed in an outfit unique to that incarnation - who can ever imagine the Fourth Doctor without his floppy hat and mile-long scarf, or the Fifth without his trademark decorative vegetable? Who can forget the immaculate pinstripe suit of the Tenth or the often promoted bow tie and tweed jacket of the Eleventh? What many don't know, however, is that the newer incarnations tend to alter their colour schemes slightly - the Tenth changes between a blue suit and a brown one, while the Eleventh swaps between a red bow tie, a blue one, and occasionally none at all - in relation to their place in time. Such an Easter Egg for discerning viewers must surely be unique to the modern series, yes?

THE OLD: Not quite. While it is true that such minutiae is a product of the modern series, previous incarnations of The Doctor have had colour changes in their outfits during their tenure. For example, similar to the Twelfth Doctor€™s constant changes of clothes while still looking similar (anything from a suit to a cardigan to a hoodie), the Third Doctor constantly switched up different coloured velvet jackets. However, more major changes in outfits HAVE taken place in the same way with later Doctors, with each of them gradually getting darker as their personalities themselves get darker - the Fourth changed his from brown to burgundy (which was also mirrored by the Eleventh Doctor), the Sixth changed his psychedelic jacket to a more subdued blue-chequered one and the Seventh Doctor gradually replaced his cream-coloured coat to a depressing brown. Even the Eighth Doctor, as events of the War between the Eminence and the Last Great Time War began unfolding, replaced his Wild Bill Hickok (or Lord Byron) costume with a simple leather jacket. If clothes make the man, the Doctor, as time goes on, slowly becomes darker indeed.

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