Doctor Who: 10 Similarities Between The Classic And Revived Series

8. Victorian Adventurers

THE NEW: Madame Vastra is a Silurian, having renounced her species€™ bloodthirsty ways and helped by the Doctor to see the light and channel her energies into helping people. Jenny Flint is her maid, lover, and is also human, thank you very much. Commander Strax is a Sontaran nurse (as punishment) and serves as Vastra€™s butler and armourer. Jenny, Vastra and Strax, the Paternoster Gang and the Victorian Adventurers. This motley band in the Victorian era are detectives, friends, and valuable allies of the Doctor, owing him a debt of gratitude and doing their best to battle extraterrestrial threats (as well as eating the odd serial killer). No matter where the Doctor goes, should he ever return to Victorian London, he knows that he has a group of friends he can rely on.

THE OLD: Except, of course, he already has a couple of friends in Victorian London. Jago and Lightfoot, first introduced in the Fourth Doctor episode The Talons of Weng-Chiang, Henry Gordon Jago, the Palace Theatre owner and verbose performer, and Professor George Lightfoot, the police pathologist, met the Fourth Doctor and Leela and took part in many adventures over their and the Doctor€™s lives. While they had many solo adventures against human and extraterrestrial threats, Doctor Who spin off novels and Big Finish audios reveal they also encountered and teamed up with the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Doctors and their companions besides. They have travelled in time and space, battled vampires, despots, robots and Zygons, and have also laid claim to being the inspiration for Sherlock Holmes. Victorian adventurers they were, and heroes as well. Now all fans need is for both groups to team up with a grumpy Twelfth Doctor.

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An obsessed Doctor Who watcher, reader, listener, and occasionally writer. Consult for all your Big Finish and useless trivia needs.