Doctor Who: 10 Similarities Between The Classic And Revived Series

5. Companion-Companion Romantic Relationships

THE NEW: Many viewers would remember the ubiquitous couples in and out of the TARDIS - those bright, shining companions that, if not for the Doctor, would never have got together. Martha Jones and Mickey Smith obviously spring to mind, both getting over their respective crushes and getting together after the Doctor left their lives, and Mr and Mrs Pond (Amy & Rory, of course) who were set up by their daughter who had travelled back through time and done so to secure her existence, with the help of a time travelling sect of priests aiming to kill the Doctor in the future. Even Clara Oswald only really deepened her relationship with the help of the Doctor and his big blue box. Those happy couples, unique to the modern series, all had their origins in, and travelled for a time, in the TARDIS.

THE OLD: It should not come as a shock that the Doctor has inadvertently played matchmaker in his previous lives. His first ever human companions (i.e. Ian and Barbara) got married after their time in the TARDIS (and were also rumoured not to have grown a day older since they were returned some 10 years later), in his second incarnation his Scottish companion Jamie had a massive crush on his other companion Victoria, in his third incarnation Jo Grant got married to a scientist who reminded her of the Doctor, in his Fourth Leela got married to a Gallifreyan Guard, in his Fifth incarnation Adric apparently secretly held feelings for Nyssa and in his Eighth incarnation his companions Fitz and Trix began a relationship and lived happily ever after on Earth. All these people owe their happiness to that mad man in the blue box - but all in all it certainly seems that there is a pretty good chance of you picking up if you become a companion.

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An obsessed Doctor Who watcher, reader, listener, and occasionally writer. Consult for all your Big Finish and useless trivia needs.