Doctor Who: 10 Similarities Between The Classic And Revived Series

6. Multi-Doctor Meetings

THE NEW: It€™s always a treat for viewers to see previous versions and incarnations of The Doctor meeting - whether it be for some huge crisis (The Day of the Doctor), a convenience (The Big Bang) or merely to stop by and chat (Time Crash). Breaking the first rule of time (i.e. never cross your own time stream) always seems to come easily to the Doctors. There always seems to be some universal emergency or lack of Time Lords to enforce it. Fans always enjoy the interactions between the different Doctors, whether it be the grumpy Fifth Doctor wondering why there€™s a skinny idiot in his TARDIS or the Tenth Doctor making fun of the Eleventh€™s chin. After the mind-blowing effects of the 50th anniversary special and thirteen incarnations working together to save Gallifrey, as well as the recent Deep Breath episode which had the Twelfth Doctor almost-but-not-quite talking to his Eleventh self, every single fan always remembers and praises this unparalleled crossover.

THE OLD: Except, of course, paralleled it has been. Most fans would remember The Three Doctors featuring the First, Second and Third Doctors and The Five Doctors to celebrate the 20th anniversary featuring Doctors one through five. Classic fans will also remember The Two Doctors featuring the Second and Sixth Doctor, made just for kicks. Not content with these three multi-Doctor episodes, various spin off media has had Doctors interact with his past selves many times - in books, including every single Doctor paying their respects at the Brigadier€™s funeral, in comics, where all their incarnations (minus the War Doctor) band together to defeat the Master and Adam, and in audios, where the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh saved Gallifrey, where the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth defeated the Daleks (and later on just turned up for a chat) and Doctors one to eight all defeated the Master and rammed his TARDIS through time just for the heck of it. It appears that for a person not supposed to cross his own time stream, the renegade Doctor sure seems to get away with it a lot - and enjoy it, too.

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