Doctor Who: 10 Theories About What Happens To The Fourteenth Doctor

8. He Dies Of Old Age

Doctor Who David Tennant Fourteenth Doctor Tom Baker Curator
BBC Studios

Like so many of the finer details of bi-generation, mortality is a bit of a grey area.

It’s implied that the bi-generated Doctors keep going forever, ageing naturally along the way (thus allowing past Doctor actors to return without having to explain why they look older, as we saw in Tales of the TARDIS). And we don't even know if these Doctors can regenerate themselves. So is there a point at which they just... die?

Maybe the Fourteenth Doctor is essentially mortal now. Maybe he ages as a human does, and dies as a human does. Maybe that's the cost of bi-generation – the new model gets all those sweet Time Lord perks, while the old model withers away at an accelerated rate.

And if the Fourteenth Doctor really is as retired as we're meant to believe he is, then he's going to want to live out his final few decades in peace. He's seen more than his fair share of battle.

Alternatively, if the bi-generated Doctors really are as mortal as the rest of us, they could easily die before their time, as a result of injury or accident. The Tenth Doctor once joked that he might be killed by something as simple, and anticlimactic, as tripping over a brick. For the Fourteenth, that might be a real possibility!

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