Doctor Who: 10 Theories About What Happens To The Fourteenth Doctor

7. A Therapy Tour

Doctor Who David Tennant Fourteenth Doctor Tom Baker Curator
BBC Studios

Ordinarily, the Doctor is constantly moving forwards, from one thing to the next. They've met many people, but aren't always able to give them the time they deserve. Likewise, they've made many mistakes, but never really have the time to go and fix them.

But none of that applies to the Fourteenth Doctor. In fact, the whole point of his “rehab” (as the Fifteenth Doctor puts it) is to pause and reflect and work on himself. And what better way to do that than by making amends with old friends?

Famously, the Tenth Doctor checked in on all his former companions right before he regenerated. In a similar vein, paying visits to old friends and acquaintances – particularly those he has unfinished business with – would be a perfect way for the Fourteenth Doctor to exorcise some demons.

On present day Earth, he could reconnect with Lady Christina, Joan Redfern’s great-granddaughter Verity, and even Martha. With the help of the TARDIS, he could also spend more time with River Song, Jackson Lake, and Joan Redfern herself. And lord knows he owes Ursula Blake an apology for the whole paving slab thing.

And that’s just the people the Doctor met when he previously had this face. If we were to include unfinished business with the Doctor’s other incarnations, the list would go on forever.

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