Doctor Who: 10 Things Russell T. Davies NEEDS To Do
Welcome to Doctor Who, where everyone in space is either Welsh or Bisexual.

Russell T. Davies is the man who brought Doctor Who back from the darkness of cancellation back in 2005, and he has now been announced to be returning as showrunner once Chris Chibnall hands back the keys to the TARDIS at the end of next year. This is fantastic news for those who long for the days of the Slitheen.
However, under Davies' watch, Doctor Who managed to explore some heady material, even as it kept to a fairly family-friendly format. While the show has veered away from that in recent years, it is still rooted more or less in fantasy, so bringing that tone back shouldn't be all that difficult.
There are elements that may contribute to the return of Davies being a fantastic move on the part of the BBC. The show has come under increasing amounts of criticism in recent years and, whether fair or not, this move could be seen as appeasement on the broadcaster's part. While the full impact of Davies' return will likely take a long time to be understood, there are several key elements that we feel he needs to bring to the show.
10. Crash. Bang. Whallop.

Much of Davies' era of Doctor Who was fun for featuring many of the explosions and, quite frankly, LOUD NOISES that would define the show for quite some time. It lent a feeling of fun, and nonsense, to the whole affair - something that allowed Saturday evenings to be a bit sillier than ever.
Going forward into Moffat and Chibnall's eras, some of this fun was lost. While the writing remained top-notch, it sometimes found itself a bit bogged down in the cerebral nature of it all - the Wedding of River Song may be one of the best examples of this.
Without relying too heavily on simple crashing Tardis's and various bits of flying debris, bring back some of the silly production values from the earlier episodes of the revival - which is NOT to say we're looking for a return of the Slitheen. Just trust us on that one - put the Slitheen away, and bring back some of the pyrotechnics around them instead!
And the Autons. Who doesn't love a plastic enemy?