Doctor Who: 10 Things That STILL Don't Make Sense

4. Impossible TARDIS Technology

Doctor Who Day of the Moon Amy Pond
BBC Studios

Magpie Electricals is one of Doctor Who’s most prevalent easter eggs, first appearing in absolutely nobody's favourite episode, The Idiot’s Lantern, in 2006.

This in-universe brand has popped up countless times since, from a store on Starship UK, to the Twelfth Doctor’s guitar amp. There’s never needed to be too much of an explanation for this – we can simply assume that, in spite of the whole rough start with the televisions sucking people’s faces off, the brand has managed to endure and thrive.

However, there’s one detail that suspends disbelief a little too much.

The Eleventh Doctor’s first TARDIS features multiple pieces of Magpie tech, including the monitor and keyboard. There's also a phone, easily visible in Vincent and the Doctor, with the Magpie logo on it (above). The thing is, TARDISes are grown, not built, and while the TARDIS is a conscious being, we aren’t sure she’s in the habit of taking brand sponsorship deals.

It's a bit odd to see any sort of branding in the TARDIS, and it doesn't really make sense for Magpie tech to be used inside these ancient Gallifreyan machines.

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Doctor Who
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Alex is a sci-fi and fantasy swot, and is a writer for WhoCulture. He is incapable of watching TV without reciting trivia, and sometimes, when his heart is in the right place, and the stars are too, he’s worth listening to.