Doctor Who: 10 Things That STILL Don't Make Sense

3. Not Much Of A Master Plan

Doctor Who Day of the Moon Amy Pond
BBC Studios

It's fair to say that the Master’s diabolical schemes have always made little sense. From turning every human on Earth into himself, to gifting the Doctor an army of Cybermen which there was zero chance he would ever accept, they’ve ranged from poorly thought out, to entirely ineffectual.

But nothing in the show’s long history of Master plots comes close to the ‘Master’s Dalek Plan’ in The Power of the Doctor.

This convoluted, multi-step mess sees the Master get himself intentionally captured by UNIT, only to employ Ashad and the Cybermen to free him. This serves no clear purpose in the script, other than allowing him to take some cheap shots at Ace and Tegan.

Meanwhile, he goes back in time to either impersonate or become Rasputin (it’s unclear), and defaces a load of paintings with his own face with the intention of drawing the Doctor into Tsarist Russia. Why does it need to be Russia? Because, as far as we can tell, he just wanted to do the Rasputin dance number.

Doctor Who The Power of the Doctor the Master Rasputin
BBC Studios

The final step in the plan is the cherry on top. He wants to erase the Doctor and slander her name, so he forces her to regenerate into him. He then goes about as the Doctor and does evil things, so everyone thinks the Doctor is evil.

Essentially, he puts on the Doctor’s clothes and does naughty things while giggling to himself. We can’t help but feel that he could've saved a lot of time and effort by just raiding her wardrobe, for literally the same result.

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Doctor Who
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Alex is a sci-fi and fantasy swot, and is a writer for WhoCulture. He is incapable of watching TV without reciting trivia, and sometimes, when his heart is in the right place, and the stars are too, he’s worth listening to.