Doctor Who: 10 Things That WON'T Happen In The Christmas Special

6. There Won't Be A Trailer For Series 9

The Christmas Special will be our last helping of TARDIS action for 2014 and after it the Twelfth Doctor will be putting his feet up for a well earned rest until he returns to our screens in Series 9 next year. But if you were looking forward to being treated to a tantalising teaser of his 2015 adventures, unfortunately your hopes have been vain. It's not just the BBC being cruel (this time), though - with production due to recommence in Cardiff in January, they haven't actually filmed any of the new series yet which makes it particularly difficult for them to showcase any of it in a trailer. For that they can be forgiven... this time. For now fans will just have to make do with their imaginations (which is more dangerous than it sounds) but the title of the Series 9 premiere, which is revealed after Last Christmas, will provide more than enough to keep us guessing in the meantime. Thank God for that!
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Doctor Who Editor
Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via