Doctor Who: 10 Things That WON'T Happen In The Christmas Special

5. It Won't Break Our Hearts

Well, it probably won't, anyway. It is a Doctor Who Christmas Special, after all, so it's pretty much a given that it'll bring a tear to our eye but it's safe to assume that Last Christmas won't be as excruciatingly devastating as last year's festive offering which featured the Eleventh Doctor's heart wrenching regeneration. The BBC really know how to throw up all over Christmas, don't they? Saying that, hopefully Steven Moffat will give us a break this year because, let's face it, most of us are still recovering from the emotional trauma of Matt Smith's climactic scenes in The Time of the Doctor. At least with Nick Frost at the helm of this episode's glittering guest star line up there will be some much needed comedy in the proceedings and there's also his elves who look like they're in it for a good time, too. In true Doctor Who fashion, though, the humour will no doubt come with an underlying sense of darkness and the current status of the Doctor and Clara's relationship is disconcerting, too. At the end of the last series they had just lied to each other and Steven Moffat has revealed that the aftermath of that is a huge part of the Christmas Special. So basically ignore this whole page and get your tissues at the ready. Oh boy.
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Doctor Who Editor
Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via