Doctor Who: 10 Things We Want in an Anniversary Special

2. Nothing Special

Kittens are, in fact, special, but not Doctor Who level of special. THE WISH Back in 1978, the show had its fifteenth anniversary. They celebrated by€doing a normal episode. In 1988, they had their 25th anniversary and celebrated by€doing a kind of crappy normal episode (Ace kills a Cyberman with a sling-shot? Really?). In both cases, there were little throw-away lines recognizing the significance, but otherwise these were just normal episodes of Doctor Who, and weren€™t caught up in the larger continuity or anything grand. ODDS OF THIS HAPPENING Zero-point-zero-zero-zero-one. Maybe. Moffat has pretty much already said they€™re doing something special, and I can€™t say as though I€™d blame them. But frankly, if I had to pick between a special episode like €œThe Five Doctors€ and a normal one like €œThe Empty Child/The Doctor Dances€, I know what I€™d pick. Quality is ultimately most important, and an anniversary special could easily get caught up in its own importance and thus forget to do a good story. It happened before. Hopefully it won€™t happen again.
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Chris Swanson is a freelance writer and blogger based in Phoenix, Arizona, where winter happens to other people. His blog is at