Doctor Who: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Captain Jack Harkness

3. He ALMOST Met The Eleventh Doctor

Doctor Who Captain Jack Harkness Bad Wolf

When a good man goes to war, he needs a big army, and the Eleventh Doctor almost assembled a much bigger team than the one we see in the final episode.

For starters, a cut scene from Series 6's blockbuster mid-series finale would've revealed Ood Sigma helping the Doctor and his allies storm Demon's Run – hence the "Ood created by Russell T Davies" message during the closing credits.

But more substantial than Ood Sigma was Captain Jack Harkness, who teamed up with the Eleventh Doctor in Steven Moffat's original version of the story. However, due to John Barrowman's commitments to filming Torchwood: Miracle Day in the USA, Jack had to be cut from future drafts.

There a prolific rumour that, had Captain Jack's appearance in A Good Man Goes to War gone ahead, that he would've lost his head to the Headless Monks, exactly like Dorium Maldovar. And since Jack can't die, his head would've lived on separate from his body, eventually becoming the Face of Boe.

Doctor Who The Face of Boe New Earth
BBC Studios

This has never been confirmed however, and given that Torchwood was still in production at the time, it feels unlikely that RTD would've agreed to let Moffat deliver such a huge revelation. RTD himself has also stated that Jack simply grew into a giant head over billions of years, rather than him being decapitated.

Regardless of whether or not this would've made the screen, there's no denying that it sounds like a very Moffatty-Woffatty solution to the question of the Face of Boe!

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.