Doctor Who: 10 Things You Never Knew About Series 2 Of NuWho

8. Letting The Cat Out Of The Bag

The Doctor and Rose encountered the sinister Sisters of Plenitude (bonus trivia tidbit: they were originally called the Sisters of Patience which just doesn't sound as cool) during their short but eventful visit to New Earth. They were basically an order of Catkind ('kind' being the operative word!) nuns who devoted themselves to helping and healing the sick, but don't be fooled by their furry appearance. As it turns out, they were actually harbouring their own secret batch of human clones and infecting them with every disease in history in order to create medicines that shouldn't have even been discovered yet. That's certainly one way to throw a cat amongst the pigeons and it wasn't the only thing about them that wasn't what it seemed. If you recognise one of the members, Sister Jatt, it's because the actress who played her, Adjoa Andoh, returned to Doctor Who a year later in the more recognisable role as Martha Jones' mum, Francine Jones. As far as playing multiple roles go, the Jones' are a prime example of keeping it in the family...
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Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via