Doctor Who: 10 Things You Never Knew About Series 2 Of NuWho

7. Familiar Faces

OK, so everybody knows that Freema Agyeman had already appeared in Doctor Who in a different role (and if you're only just discovering this for the first time, where the hell have you been?!) before she stepped aboard the TARDIS as Martha Jones in Series 3. What you might not have known, however, is that Russell T Davies would've been happy to enlist her original character, Adeola Oshodi, as the Tenth Doctor's new companion had he... you know, not killed her off after one episode. It certainly would've been interesting to see the Time Lord joining forces with a Torchwood employee and her previous experience with dealing with extra terrestrial excursions would've added a new dynamic to the timey-wimey proceedings. An intriguing concept indeed but then she had to go and spoil it all by doing something stupid like getting attacked by a Cyberman which meant that viewers had to contend with her on screen cousin instead. Damn. Martha Jones wasn't that bad, of course (and here are 10 reasons why her haters should really give her a break), but it's an interesting case of what could have been. Maybe it just wasn't worth itfor a snog after all, eh, Ads? Not that it made any difference to Freema. She went from guest star to the show's leading lady quicker than you can say Raxacoricofallapatorius.
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Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via