Doctor Who: 10 Things You Never Knew About Series 2 Of NuWho

5. Stephen Fry Wrote A Script

If you've ever watched Fear Her and wondered how the hell this monstrosity even happened (and trust us, you're not the only one!), you'll probably be reassured to find out that it was never supposed to be included in the series at all. Its slot in the line up was originally occupied by a script written by Stephen Fry which would've seen our heroes journeying to 1920s/medieval times, depending on which rumours you choose to believe. Seeing as this is Doctor Who, though, it could've easily been both! As it turns out, however, Stephen's script was just far too ambitious for the show's budget to handle and he didn't have time to churn out the required rewrites, what with all of his other commitments being a comedian, actor, presenter, activist and all round good egg. Russell T Davies offered to shift the story to Series 3 to give him enough time to make the necessary changes but, for whatever reason, the episode has never seen the light of day. It did mean that there was now a gap in Series 2, though, which was promptly filled by a lacklustre story, originally entitled Chloe Webber Destroys The World, in which a young girl sings about Kookaburra and traps people in her drawings before the Doctor saves the world by lighting the Olympic flame. The power of love and friendship comes into it at some point, too, but it's generally just Tenth Doctor/Rose fanfare and David Tennant eating jam off his fingers. No doubt the best episode ever, if you like that sort of thing... For those of you waiting for the day that Stephen Fry's script becomes a reality, unfortunately it's looking less and less likely that he'll be getting the coveted call any time soon. He recently rubbed the show's fandom, and not to mention Steven Moffat, up the wrong way by suggesting that the BBC invests too much money into what is essentially a children's programme. Suffice to say, his comment wasn't received well but he did affirm that it's a very good children's programme which you'd think would be enough to convince us to let him off the hook. Apparently not.
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Doctor Who Editor
Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via