Doctor Who: 10 Things You Never Realised About Series 8

7. Kids, Don't Touch The TARDIS Console!

How many times does the Doctor have to tell everyone not to touch the controls? Bad things often happen when he touches the controls, and the Doctor and the TARDIS are supposed to have a symbiotic relationship. There's no way these grubby child paws are going to cause anything but chaos once they start pushing buttons. In In The Forest of the Dead, as intriguing as young Maebh is, the Doctor still does not want her and her classmates poking around the joint. Yes, he wants to keep them safe, but he's not providing an interactive exhibit for their field trip either. At one point, he slaps her hand away in much the same manner he used to deter Jamie McCrimmon from touching the console. Second Doctor Jamie Mccrimmon Dont Touch The Tardis 2 Gif The Jamie-slap is not the only subtle companion reference in Series 8. Next up...
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Sara Habein is the author of INFINITE DISPOSABLE. She is a staff writer for Persephone Magazine, and the editor of the Word Riot blog. Her Doctor is number Eight, but the Twelfth is right behind.