Doctor Who: 10 Times The Doctor Gave Zero F*cks About His Companions

7. Leaving Amy Behind For Two Years

Doctor Who The Eleventh Hour Amy Pond Karen Gillan

The Doctor is probably the least punctual character on television, which is quite surprising considering that he owns a damn time machine. Yet somehow, he's never on time, he always goes to the wrong places, and he constantly leaves people behind.

And Amy Pond knows this better than most. When she was a kid, the Doctor left her hanging for 12 years (despite promising that he'd be five minutes), turning her into a damaged young woman who had a tendency to bite psychiatrists out of frustration.

To be fair to the Doctor though, we can give him a little bit of a pass on this one: his TARDIS was about to explode, he was in a hurry, and he didn't stop to realise that his five-minute trip was actually a 12-year trip.

But what we can't give him a pass on is the fact that he leaves Amy behind for a second time - in the exact same episode.

After sending the Atraxi packing, the Doctor runs off to check out his shiny new TARDIS, and he's so focused on his new toy that he ignores Amy and Rory, jetting off without them - and without saying goodbye to them - only to return two years later.

After leaving Amy behind the first time and seeing the effect it had on her, you'd think he'd be careful to not do it again... but nope! And worse still, he doesn't even apologise when Amy tells him how late he is, with a simple "oops" being his only response.

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.