Doctor Who: 10 Times The Doctor Gave Zero F*cks About His Companions

6. Constantly Making Martha Feel Inferior To Rose

Doctor Who The Eleventh Hour Amy Pond Karen Gillan
BBC Studios

As previously mentioned, the Tenth Doctor and Rose developed a strong romantic bond during their time together, and after losing her at the end of the Series 2 finale, the Doctor was absolutely devastated.

So, when the bright and resourceful Martha Jones entered the fray, this was a chance for the Doctor to make a fresh start, attempting to move on from his pain with a brand-new companion by his side.

But, instead... he was more interested in clinging to what he'd lost.

Martha certainly finds this out the hard way during Series 3, due to the Doctor's annoying and insensitive habit of constantly mentioning Rose, reminding his new companion that she will never be as important to him as his previous companion was.

There are examples in The Shakespeare Code, Human Nature, and Utopia (twice, in the latter episode) of the Doctor mentioning Rose, and Martha looking all glum as a result. It's especially egregious in that first case, because the two of them are lying in bed, eyes locked, a deep connection about to form... and then he mentions his ex, which pisses Martha off. Rightfully so.

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