Doctor Who: 10 Times The Doctor Gave Zero F*cks About His Companions

3. Allowing River To Be Imprisoned For A Crime She Didn't Commit

Doctor Who The Eleventh Hour Amy Pond Karen Gillan

In Series 5, we learn that River Song is in prison for committing a terrible murder, but it isn't until Series 6 that the full backstory behind her incarceration is revealed.

River was brainwashed at a young age and raised to kill the Doctor, something she appears to accomplish in the very first episode. We say "appears" because this isn't what happens at all: River actually murders a robot that is impersonating the Doctor, allowing the real Doctor to walk away unscathed.

To put it another way, River is completely innocent, and yet, the Doctor still allows her to be locked away in Stormcage for a staggering 12,000 consecutive life sentences.

While River doesn't seem too bothered about being imprisoned - mainly because she breaks out all the time anyway - it's still a bit questionable that the Doctor would put her through this. Sure, the Doctor's death is a fixed point, so River's prison days are probably fixed too, but as the show likes to remind us on a regular basis "time can be rewritten" - so why can't something as relatively trivial as jail time be rewritten too?

If the whole point of locking River up was to keep up appearances and convince the universe that the Doctor really was dead, then hell, there was actually an easy solution to this whole thing. Just duplicate River using the Flesh (a cloning material that was introduced in Series 6), and stick the clone in jail instead.

A bit harsh, sure, but no more harsh than allowing the real River to fester away in a cell. Either the Doctor forgot about the Flesh... or he just doesn't care either way.

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