Doctor Who: 10 Times The Doctor Gave Zero F*cks About His Companions

4. Dropping Adam Back On Earth

Doctor Who The Eleventh Hour Amy Pond Karen Gillan
BBC Studios

Adam Mitchell is probably one of the most hated companions in the entirety of modern Who, which is quite deserved considering that he acts like a complete tool.

Adam first encounters the Ninth Doctor in Dalek, where he expresses a desire to explore the universe, a wish that the Doctor is able to grant. From here, they journey to the year 200,000, where Adam's thirst for knowledge prompts him to have an infospike installed in his head, which will allow him to soak up and transmit the complete history of the human race.

It also comes with the unfortunate side effect of his forehead opening up to reveal his brain, but hey, let's not focus on the negatives.

To cut a weird story short, Adam's meddling straight-up pisses the Doctor off, so what does the Doctor do? With an ice-cold look on his face, he shoves Adam inside the TARDIS, ignores his attempts at an apology, and dumps him on 21st century Earth.

Was it a little cruel of the Doctor to leave Adam at home with a gruesome-looking hole in his forehead? Sure - the poor kid could end up being a social outcast at best, and experimented on at worst. But then again, Adam betrayed the Doctor's trust, so you almost can't blame the Time Lord for his lack of concern.

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