Doctor Who: 10 Unbeatable Doctor/Companion Duos

6. The Ninth Doctor & Rose Tyler

Rose's relationship with the Doctor might have become deeper and more romantic when he regenerated into the Tenth but, as a partnership, the one between the young girl from the Powell Estate and the troubled Ninth was a brilliant match. For her, a life that felt small and trapped suddenly became one full of possibilities while for the last of the Time Lords, saddled with survivor guilt, Rose's enthusiasm and bravery offered him a fresh start and a chance to heal. This wasn't a partnership without its troubles, however, which adds to the richness of their episodes. Father's Day pushes their relationship to the limit but they emerge stronger. It is also Rose who helps the Doctor see past his hatred of the Daleks in Utah. Without her, he might never have been able to move on from the Time War. Much has been said about Chris Eccelston's serious nature but it's true to say that having an actor of that calibre, reputation and commitment on a project will cause the other actors to raise their game accordingly. In Series 2 fans see Billie Piper having more fun but in Series 1 there's a young actress having to prove herself, acting opposite one of the greats and she produces her best work. She is heartbreaking in Father's Day while her determination to get back to the Doctor is the heart of the season finale. This was a partnership of equals, of both characters and actors.
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Writer of The Blog of Delights, a review site covering film, TV, cult TV, books and audio. Fan of Dr Who, Bond, X-Men and Marvel. Also the writer of e-book 'Fictional Legends: Doctor Who - the TV Adventures' for Collca.