Doctor Who: 10 Unbeatable Doctor/Companion Duos

5. The Twelfth Doctor & Clara Oswald

Some companions have that rare honour of being present when the Doctor regenerates. This can have a revitalising effect on the Doctor/Companionship relationship and Clara and Doctor 12 are proof of that. With the Eleventh Doctor, Clara Oswald started out as a mystery to solve and then a young woman to lust after by an increasingly laddish Time Lord. Despite Jemma Coleman being a great actress, there was a feeling that Clara as a companion was lacking. This has all changed since Peter Capaldi took possession of the TARDIS keys (when Clara isn't throwing them into a volcano, of course). Suddenly, instead of a tired retread of romances of the past, the show has a partnership of equals where each can give as good as they get. The unpredictable and fiery nature of this new Doctor has also allowed us to see more of Clara's true character, a control freak who, despite that, has become addicted to the danger that travelling in the TARDIS brings. While a willing acolyte of the Eleventh, the Twelfth's brash nature has led to Clara taking a more active role in dealing with him while the Doctor's more alien mind-set has forced her to face some character defining choices, not least the future of the Earth and her relationship with poor Danny Pink. The change in the Doctor has brought out other sides of Clara which Coleman has seized with both hands and which have made Clara the most improved companion of NuWho.
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Writer of The Blog of Delights, a review site covering film, TV, cult TV, books and audio. Fan of Dr Who, Bond, X-Men and Marvel. Also the writer of e-book 'Fictional Legends: Doctor Who - the TV Adventures' for Collca.