Doctor Who: 10 WEIRDEST Things That The Sonic Screwdriver Can Do

9. Generate Cash

Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver
BBC Studios

Featured in: The Runaway Bride (2006)

The Doctor isn't usually interested in material matters, but every now and then, even a Time Lord needs a bit of cash.

In 2006 Christmas special "The Runaway Bride", a confused Doctor emerges from the TARDIS with an angry Donna Noble into Oxford Street on Christmas Eve. Needing to get Donna back to her wedding, the Doctor realises that he's a little strapped for cash, so casually zaps an ATM in order for it to spit out a few notes. Noticing that he's been cornered by killer robot Santas, he gives the machine another blast of the sonic, causing cash to rain out across the street, buying him time to escape. Clever.

Although, in the hands of your average human being, this particular function of the screwdriver would almost certainly be heinously abused, so really, we're quite lucky that the Doctor doesn't do this all the time.

Lastly, let's just consider what it might look like if this had been done with any other screwdriver. We all know some bloke down the pub who's likely to give it a try, but it's doubtful that he'd be as successful.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.