Doctor Who: 10 WEIRDEST Things That The Sonic Screwdriver Can Do

8. Clear Land Mines

Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver
BBC Studios

Featured in: The Sea Devils (1972)

After escaping from prison, the Doctor and companion Jo find themselves trapped between the Master, a Sea Devil, and a mine field. Pretty dire circumstances, right?

Not if you have a sonic screwdriver.

After making a few heroic dives onto barbed wire so that Jo can cross safely, the Doctor employs the sonic to navigate the pair a safe path through the land mines buried in the sand. For all of a few seconds, it seemed to work, until a Sea Devil gave chase, stepping onto the minefield behind them.

Not simply content to allow the creature to step on a mine and litter the beach with its corpse, the Doctor turns and begins detonating the mines at the Sea Devil's feet. While the creature is stunned, the Doctor detonates a few more, just for good measure. The creature understandably turns and runs in terror from the Doctor and his fearsome screwdriver.

It's yet another example of a truly bizarre function of the sonic used to serve the narrative in a real and unintentionally hilarious way. Hats off to the writers.

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Doctor Who
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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.