Doctor Who: 10 WEIRDEST Things That The Sonic Screwdriver Can Do

2. Whale Emetic

Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver
BBC Studios

Featured in: The Beast Below (2010)

Possibly the most disgusting thing we've seen the sonic used for (and that's really saying something, given that it's been inside of a shark), this one came in the Eleventh Doctor's first real outing after his regeneration.

Upon arriving on the Starship UK in the distant future, the Doctor and Amy soon realise that something's amiss: for one thing, the ship doesn't appear to have any working engines, yet they're still moving.

A little investigation later, the Doctor and Amy find themselves in the jaws of the beast - quite literally, it turns out: the Starship UK is in fact attached to the back of a star whale, a giant creature that is being used in place of any sort of conventional engine.

In order to make it out of the whale's mouth before it swallows them, the Doctor decides to use his screwdriver to make the whale vomit, freeing them in the process.

Emerging from the ordeal unscathed and covered in space whale vomit, the Doctor and Amy are free to save the creature from its torment.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.