Doctor Who: 10 Worst Things Amy Pond Has Ever Done

9. The Girl Who Waited - Pressing The Wrong Button

Doctor Who Amy Pond

Again, maybe not a situation that Amy could have helped, but it is a mistake which easily could have been avoided and stopped a whole chain of awful events taking place.

Series 6, The Girl Who Waited ends with one of the most tragic ends to a Doctor Who story. And it all revolves around one choice. Quickly summing up how the events of the story kicks off, the TARDIS arrives at the Two Streams Facility, and the Doctor and Rory wander out, and are presented with two buttons, Red Waterfall and Green Anchor. Rory chooses the Green Anchor and waits in a room with the Doctor.

Amy then comes out from the TARDIS after looking for her phone and is presented with the same two buttons. She asks what to do and is simply told "press the button", resulting in her choosing Red Waterfall, leaving her in a room completely different to the boys. As a result, the episode tragically plays out, and will be addressed properly in a later entry.

But these events didn't need to happen. Okay, yes, equal blame could be given to Rory and the Doctor for not specially telling Amy which button to press, but equally she could have asked more specifically. This may not sound like a grave action, but those who know the episode will definitely feel this tragedy could be avoided.

Didn't your parents (or Aunt Sharon) tell you not to randomly press buttons, Amelia?


I'm just a simple man, trying to make my way in the universe