Doctor Who: 10 Worst Things The Daleks Have Ever Done

8. The Magician's Apprentice/Witch's Familiar - Tricking The Doctor

Doctor Who Dalek Oswin Oswald

The latest reunion between the Doctor and Davros, sees the Time Lord summoned to the planet of the Dalek's, Skaro, to meet with their dying creator.

After long chats between these two arch rivals, the Doctor is made to feel sympathy for Davros, who is unable to open his own eyes to watch the sun rise on Skaro one last time. To fix this, the ever kind-hearted Doctor, elects to give the creator of the Daleks some of his regeneration energy, thinking it enough to allow him this final moment.

When the Doctor unleashes his Time Lord gift into the cables connecting Davros to the rest of the Daleks, Colony Sarff (a snake-like being) secures him in place, siphoning off even more regenerative energy. This energy is taken and transferred into every single Dalek, renewing them, including Davros, allowing him to regain his strength.

However, once rescued by Missy, the Twelfth Doctor reveals he knew the plan all along, including the Daleks in the sewers, who 'revolt', destroying the Daleks in the Skaro city. This resulted in us once again being led to believe Davros has been destroyed (although we all know most likely not).

The evil of this plot, even if the Doctor did know what was coming, is the fact the Daleks try to use the Doctor's compassionate nature against him, even for his worst enemies.


I'm just a simple man, trying to make my way in the universe