Doctor Who: 10 Worst Things The Daleks Have Ever Done

7. Asylum Of The Daleks - Oswin Oswald The Dalek

Doctor Who Dalek Oswin Oswald

We've seen Cyber conversion many times throughout Doctor Who, but that seems like nothing compared to Dalek conversion...

With Cyber conversions, the process puts the participant into the Cyber armour, but then removes all feelings, where as the horror of the Dalek conversion is that hatred and anger are channelled, in order to make the machine go...

In the series 7 opener, when venturing into the Dalek Asylum, Oswin Oswald ends up captured by the Daleks inside and goes through the horrific conversion into a Dalek. This reality is so horrific for her that she imagines herself a different version of events. Trapped within this cold metal shell, Oswin believes herself to be hiding within her crashed ship making soufflés. It's not until the Doctor turns up that she sees the true fate that has befallen her.

The moment in which Oswin learns the truth is soul crushing, and the following flashback of her being forced into the process (whilst not graphic) still feels gruesome. The only positive in the end is that Oswin manages to fight the process, allowing and assisting the Eleventh Doctor to escape.

Granted, this isn't some huge invasion that has affected countless lives, but the ordeal of what Oswin is put through is horrific.


I'm just a simple man, trying to make my way in the universe