Doctor Who: 10 Worst Things The Daleks Have Ever Done

2. Revelation Of The Daleks - Using The Dead Of Necros

Doctor Who Dalek Oswin Oswald
BBC Studios

1985's Revelation of the Daleks has the Sixth Doctor and Peri encounter Davros and the Daleks on the planet Necros, the location of Tranquil Repose, a space funeral home. However at its core, Davros was creating a new race of Daleks from the dead humans...

Revelation through and through is a very bleak story, but Davros using the corpses within the facility is the most appalling aspect. In this story, the dead are used for two things, the previously mentioned new Daleks, as well as being formed into a new type of protein to solve the galaxy's famine problem. That doesn't seem a very marketable product...

Just take a look at the thumbnail and clip below to see how horrific these creations were, pure nightmare fuel.

These new Daleks, become the ranks of Davros' previously mentioned Imperial Daleks. This plot is an interesting one, as using humans, like the case with Oswin years later, to create Daleks seems to go against their quest for racial purity.

I'd argue this shocking entry could even make the top spot, but there is one more Dalek moment which just slightly takes the trophy...


I'm just a simple man, trying to make my way in the universe