Doctor Who: 10 Worst Things The Daleks Have Ever Done

3. The Stolen Earth/Journey's End - The Reality Bomb

Doctor Who Dalek Oswin Oswald
BBC Studios

When Davros returned to Doctor Who for its new series, he brought with him the Dalek's most horrific plot to date!

Already in this serial, Davros has recreated the Daleks using his own cells, which is pretty bleak as it is, but with this new army he created the Reality Bomb. The device would result in untold devastation, killing all that wasn't protected by the Crucible. Basically, a very extreme version of wiping out all non-Dalek life.

Using the Z-Neutrino energy of the Dalek Crucible, and the transported planets within the Medusa Cascade, the Reality Bomb would cancel out the electric field of atoms, turning everything to dust. This plot would not just wipe out the main Who universe, but the life of all other universes (but we won't get into the potential plot holes of that). The recreating an entire Dalek army and moving twenty-seven plans, is a testament to lengths the pepper pots were willing to go for this scheme.

Whilst the plot obviously fails, we still see the devastation it was capable of when the device is tested on a group of humans, who as mentioned, simply turns to dust.


I'm just a simple man, trying to make my way in the universe