Doctor Who: 10 Worst Things The Eleventh Doctor Has Ever Done
8. Invited His Friends To Watch Him Die (The Impossible Astronaut)

The sixth series of NuWho kicked off with a bang - one that hit the Eleventh Doctor right in the face.
In The Impossible Astronaut, Amy, Rory, and River Song all get summoned to Utah to have a picnic with the Doctor. So far, so wholesome, until a strange figure in a spacesuit emerges from a nearby lake.
The Doctor instructs his friends to stay back, before confronting the mysterious astronaut. The suited person then shoots the Doctor, before shooting him again mid-regeneration, killing him properly.
In terms of picnic-enders, that's got to be up there with the worst of them.
All of this turns out to be an elaborate ruse that would take the entire series to explain. For now, all we're left with is the pure devastation on the faces of the Doctor's three friends as they're forced to burn his body.
Having full knowledge of upcoming events, the Doctor invited them there knowing that they would watch him die. He needed to do this to convince them that he was actually gone, but damn Doctor... that's cold.