Doctor Who: 10 Worst Things The Eleventh Doctor Has Ever Done
2. Promised To Keep The Ponds Safe, And Then Didn’t (The Power Of Three)

The Power of Three is that weird episode where the Doctor spends ages stuck on Earth, waiting for some mysterious black cubes to do something.
It's also an episode where we spend a lot of time with Rory's dad, Brian.
Upon getting to know the Doctor, Brian asks him what happened to his former companions. He tells the concerned father that some of them met very sad ends, but promises that the same fate will not befall his son and daughter-in-law.
But then the Angels took Manhattan.
In the very next episode, the Doctor loses Amy and Rory when a bunch of Weeping Angels trap them in 1930s New York.
Now, to be fair, this was somewhat out of his control, and he did try his best to save them. But the Doctor should never have promised Brian that he could keep them safe, when he knows full well how dangerous life in the TARDIS can be. This is the guy who recently had to wipe his friend's memories so her mind didn't explode!
Instead, he led Brian into a false sense of security, which is utterly unforgivable.