Doctor Who: 10 Worst Things The Tenth Doctor Has Ever Done

9. Utopia - Ran Away From Jack

Doctor Who Time Lord Victorious

Thinking back to the Series 1 finale, the Ninth Doctor leaves with Rose after she has used the TARDIS energy to wipe out all the Daleks, whilst also bringing Captain Jack back to life, giving him immortality.

Switch to the first story in the Series 3 three-part finale, and the Tenth Doctor and Jack are about to be reunited. Ever since, Jack has been leading Torchwood in Cardiff, waiting for him to return to the rift to recharge. Hearing the TARDIS land, Jack charges for the time machine, but is clocked by Ten, who isn't hanging around.

Quickly Ten dematerialises, taking the TARDIS into the Time Vortex. However, at the last second, Jack jumps, and clings to the exterior of the time machine as it tumbles through time to the end of the universe.

Upon its arrival, and once the Doctor and Martha step outside, they find Jack unconscious on the ground. Thankfully, as established, Jack is now immortal, so after a time he reawakens after his ordeal, and is greeted slightly hostilely by the Doctor.

Some friend, dragging your new immortal buddy (who you don't entirely know is immortal yet) through the Time Vortex.


I'm just a simple man, trying to make my way in the universe