Doctor Who: 10 Worst Twelfth Doctor Moments

3. Cameo In Class

Doctor Who sonic sunglasses

Class is a Doctor Who spin-off that has most likely been cancelled due to lack of interest. Capaldi’s 12th Doctor appeared in the pilot episode of the show in hopes of increasing their viewership. Unfortunately, Capaldi wasn’t given much to do aside from acting as a Deus ex Machina that prevented any other character in Class from being the hero. Not the strongest message for a premiere episode.

Class’s main problem is being a spin-off of Doctor Who devoid of any major characters from the Whovian mythos. In the past, spin-offs like The Sarah Jane Adventures and Torchwood were successful because they took characters fans loved from the original show and put them in new exciting situations.

Class was a blank slate that didn’t really understand the scope of its world. It even failed at making The Doctor appear interesting. Doctor Who has standalone adventures all the time, which either work or don’t depending on how fleshed out each world is and how The Doctor behaves within them. In the end, having the impact of a lesser Doctor Who standalone is why Class failed.


Gregory is a freelance/fiction writer, voice over artist, blogger, writing instructor, and foppish socialite currently living in the greater Buffalo, NY region. In another life he was the head writer and a featured performer in the improv group The Human Touch. His YouTube channel is called the Writers Lounge and is about... well, writing.