Doctor Who: 10 Worst Twelfth Doctor Moments

2. Forest On The Streets Of London

Doctor Who sonic sunglasses

Nobody ever watches Doctor Who wishing to see more of Clara teaching. Nor does anyone want to see Clara and her series eight romantic interest Danny Pink guiding a group of kids through a forest-covered London. And if somebody does, they probably should call for help immediately.

But that’s exactly what everyone got in the series eight episode In the Forest of the Night. Everything about this episode screamed boring. And just when you thought it was leading to something, the ending was even more of a letdown.

'It was Earth all along' may have been an epic ending for The Planet of the Apes, but here the planet exhibiting human characteristics to protect itself was not only underwhelming it was also condescending of the real life problems facing the Earth.

Then again, maybe we should all just let the planet take care of itself.


Gregory is a freelance/fiction writer, voice over artist, blogger, writing instructor, and foppish socialite currently living in the greater Buffalo, NY region. In another life he was the head writer and a featured performer in the improv group The Human Touch. His YouTube channel is called the Writers Lounge and is about... well, writing.